Taxback Form Registration

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We’re delighted you’ve chosen to complete your tax form online, safely and securely. Thank you!

Through your incredible donations, you have already done so much to help children, women and men in some of the world’s poorest places.

Now by completing your online tax form below, you will free an additional 44.9% in charity tax relief on your already amazing donations. That’s nearly fifty percent more good to build a better world… and all it takes is a few minutes of your time.

To begin, click the orange button below. Check your details on the form are correct (you can update them if not). Next add your PPS number (from a pay slip, P60, social services card, or tax document) and sign the form as instructed. Then click Submit and your completed tax form will arrive securely to Trócaire’s Donor Care team where it will be processed and submitted to Revenue. It’s that simple! Click the orange button below to begin:

Thank you for completing your online tax form today.
And thank you for your heart for humanity.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our Donor care team on 016293333 or email